1.Please note that our company cant be liable for breakages and damages as we don't deliver ourselves.
2.Please note that should you need additional insurance you have to ask the office for a quotation
3.Please note that our company cannot be liable for delays on deliveries

​We Don't exchange or refund out products At All buy Purchasing you expect this terms and conditions. Automatically.

Important : Import / Export  International Clients or neighbouring countries will be liable for a 25% retaining percentage of purchase balance - total invoice. Should there be any regulation change,  or current or future that might stop export for progressing. Plants are prepared as soon as payment are reflected and is only cut on order, the plants are grown in a controlled Environment and not open field.  There for the control of pests and diseases are bare minimum This is a fee that covers the cost of the company for operational and plant loss. The service company cant not be liable for other countries laws and regulations should shipment not occurs.

Live Cultures including Spirulina and Chlorella and Kefir and Kombucha and all other : 

live spirulina / Chlorella  / Kefir / Kombucha / Probiotics / Plants , can be taken and gown at own risk and the company or supplier are not liable for any medical condition or health risk involving our product by purchasing this culture or product you are bind by these terms